Retail and indoor projects

Why choose Gavita?

When you invest in assets for production facilities there are only two things that matter: Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Return On Investment (ROI)

Buying a cheap product may sound like a good idea at first, but reliability, support and optimal performance will prove to be much more important over time. That is why we focus on the quality of product, services and reliability. We have a proven track record of over 40 years in providing reliable lighting solutions for professional growers.

Horticultural origins

Gavita is the largest, specialized manufacturer of horticultural lighting in the world.

We hold strong positions in horticulture worldwide. Many of our employees had a successful career in horticulture before they joined us. They are people who know the day-to-day practice and the challenges the horticultural industry aces face today.

We are not just another manufacturing company but fully embedded in the horticultural industry. When it comes to developing an efficient and reliable fixture, there is more to know than just electronics. This specialized know-how is the basis of our success.

We have the expertise, products and production power to realize your project. Whether you need an indoor climate room for production, a 100,000+ fixtures greenhouse or sunlight simulation room for research.

Professional products

Our professional services include:

  • project management
  • light calculations
  • on-site light measurements
  • lamp and reflector measurements
  • technical consultancy
  • repair
  • refurbishment
  • implementation support
  • light recipe consultancy
  • OEM design
  • customizations
  • development of bespoke products

Our support and service department handles first and second-line support, and has direct access to our engineering department for all third-line support. By using a ticketing system we allow our customers to access the complete support file, and work efficiently towards a solution of the issue.


“Enlightening” is our pay-off, and for a good reason.

We want to empower our customers (distributors, resellers and end-users alike) with knowledge so they can make informed decisions about their lighting requirements and investments.

We have been doing this from the start, through seminars, training programs, master classes, video, on-site training sessions, e-learning and publications. We contribute to several industry magazines with articles about lighting and lighting technology.

We work closely together with horticultural educational institutes who we help to develop training programs, provide demo equipment and provide master classes.

Gavita has an apprenticeship program and is an officially recognized training company. In the exclusive Club of 100 we work closely together with Wageningen University, funding, initiating and participating in horticultural research.
